Friday, April 13, 2018

Backgrounds for phones/desktops 4/13/18

It's been a longstanding tradition for the Earth Day Groceries Project to offer free computer  background images of the Birds of Washington. This year, for the 25th Anniversary of the project, we offer  phone/tablet versions as well!

They can be found on the website at Desktop Wallpaper.

Here's what I'm using from 2018....
On my Chromebook laptop, I look at a stunning Red-breasted Sapsucker:
On my phone there is a gorgeous Gyrfalcon:

On my desktop, I have this wise, wide screen Barred Owl:

There are several dozen more to choose from, in high definition...
 Head to:

Happy Earth Day!!

Mark Ahlnessfounder  - The Earth Day Groceries Project

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